How to make Farmhouse Cheddar

Farmhouse cheddar

This easy to make Farmhouse Cheddar doesn’t actually use the cheddaring process at all.  However with that said, it does taste quite a bit like the real deal, and a lot less complicated.

Farmhouse Cheddar
Farmhouse Cheddar

When I make this cheese, I normally add in red or green peppercorns to give it a bit of a zing.  It really does enhance the flavour of the final product.


You can find the recipe for this cheese in our cheese making book “Keep Calm and Make Cheese – The Beginners Guide to Cheese Making at Home“.

The cheese the features in the video exceeded my expectations.  It cut well and was not crumbly.  The texture was firm, creamy, peppery, and yummy, with no pockets of air within the cheese.  It had a nice creamy peppery flavour, in fact it is one of the best cheddar type cheeses that I have made for a very long time.  I would almost go as far as saying that it was as good as Wensleydale with sage, which is my all time favourite creation.  Especially seeing that it took half the time to make Farmhouse Cheddar (4.5 hours) as it does for Wensleydale (9 hours) and so much less complicated.

Our Hard Cheese Kit will get you on the way to making this delicious and peppery Farmhouse Cheddar.  You will also need a press to form the cheese.  I personally use the Cheese Press that we stock, which features in the video tutorial.

Hard Cheese Kit

Happy cheese making curd nerds!  You will certainly not regret adding Farmhouse Cheddar to your cheese making repertoire!


3 thoughts on “How to make Farmhouse Cheddar

  1. Glen Conrad says:

    Lover your cheddar recipes and pepper jack, how every the cheese doesn’t melt. Used animal rennet, tested in one week couldn’t wait but both will not melt anything to help or wait 60 days. Seen it could be ph, but not sure what the reading or how to change it

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