Cheese Making Kits

Cheese making kits - Farmhouse Cheddar

I love making cheese!  It is one of life’s simple pleasures, not only in the eating of this delicious fare, but in the making of this dairy delight.  So what better way to get started yourself than with cheese making kits.

During my time as a home cheese maker, I’ve created over 30 different styles of cheese in my very own kitchen, and it all started for me with a simple cheese making kit.  Making each cheese starts off with one simple ingredient; Milk.  The better your milk, the better your final cheese.  That’s a lesson I learnt the hard way.  I now only buy unhomogenised milk with which to make my cheesy creations as it sets a much better curd after renneting.

Over time I have purchased more equipment to complement my cheese gear so that I could make cheeses from soft like Queso Fresco and Mozzarella, to long maturing italian hards like Parmesan and Romano.  However, all these cheeses wouldn’t have been possible without my first cheese making kit.

Cheese making kits - Queso Fresco

Cheese Making Kits

Here at Little Green Workshops, we are able to source cheese making kits, ingredients, and equipment from multiple suppliers, bringing them all together in one convenient place.  Each kit is for a specific style of cheese, however once you master the basics, you can adapt your recipes and create rare cheeses that will delight you, your family, and your friends.

Mozzarella & Ricotta Kit

Mozzarella & Ricotta Kit

This Mozzarella and Ricotta kit is ideal for beginners.  In no time flat, you can be sampling your creation with a slice of homegrown tomato, basil, and some freshly baked bread.  I can think of nothing better as a summer treat.  This kit is used during our Beginners Cheese making course and is perfect for the first time curd nerd.

You can learn more about the Mozzarella & Ricotta Kit here.

Hard Cheese Kit

Hard Cheese Kit

This is our best-selling cheese kit.  Using the kit’s instructions you can make the following cheeses; Farmhouse Cheddar, Gouda, Monterey Jack, Feta, Cottage Cheese, Colby, Cotswold, Leicester, and Ricotta.  However, using this equipment and ingredients, I’ve also made Caerphilly and Wensleydale.

You can learn more about the Hard Cheese Kit here.

Soft Cheese Kit

Soft Cheese Kit

This is an idea beginners cheese making kit that includes ingredients and equipment to make; Lemon Cheese, Yoghurt Cheese, Queso Blanco, Chevre, Crème Fraiche, Fromage Blanc, Neufchatel: (American), Cream Cheese, Quark, Bondon Cheese, Whey Ricotta, and Feta.

I’ve also made Queso Fresco, Chili Queso Fresco, and Haloumi with this kit.  You can learn more about the Soft Cheese Kit here.

Feta Cheese Making Kit

Feta Kit

Feta was the first cheese I ever made.  It was incredibly simple, and this kit is great value and features square feta baskets among the equipment list.  You can make the following cheeses with this kit; soft Danish style feta, to harder crumbly Greek style feta to be eaten fresh or stored in oil or brined.

You can learn more about the Feta kit here.

Blue Cheese Kit

Blue Cheese Kit

I know that blue cheese is an acquired taste, but I love it.  The creamy texture and sharp flavour are unmistakable and deserve to be pride of place on your cheese board.

Our Blue cheese making kit contains equipment and ingredients to make; Danish Blue, Gorgonzola, Stilton, and Castello Style Blue.  I’ve also created my own blue cheese recipe that I’ve named Petit Bleu.

You can learn more about the Blue Cheese Kit here.

Italian Cheese Kit

Italian Cheese Kit

Italian cheese is in a class of its own.  Most have a piquant flavour that is created with the use of a Lipase enzyme, which adds character and depth to these cheeses.  Using this Italian cheese kit you can make; Cultured Mozzarella, Provolone, Parmesan, Romano, Pepato, and Whey Ricotta.

Make sure that you have somewhere to age the harder Italian cheeses as they take up to 1 year to fully develop.  I have converted a bar fridge for that very purpose and turned it into my ‘cheese cave‘.

Learn more about the Italian Cheese Kit here.

Camembert Kit

Camembert Kit

Bloomy rind cheeses such as Camembert are always a family favourite.  The delicate flavours are enhanced by the soft fuzzy rind that’s created by using Penicillium Candidum mould.  This Camembert Kit makes 25 batches of Camembert Cheese, with each batch producing 4 individual Camembert Cheeses.  It is an Intermediate Cheese Kit, ideal for those with some cheese making experience.

You can learn more about the Camembert process and the Camembert kit here.

Top Up Your Kits

If you’re like me, you will soon run out of ingredients for your kit.  Be happy in the knowledge that we have a wide range of cheese cultures and moulds, and other ingredients like rennet and calcium chloride that will help you make cheese long into the future.

So, there you have it.  A full range of cheese making kits for the home cheese maker.  I hope that you now have enough information to make that next step forward on your cheese making journey!

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