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Red Leicester Video Tutorial

Red Leicester is a semi-hard English cheese, similar to cheddar but with a moister, crumblier texture and a milder flavour. It is coloured with annatto, which gives it its distinctive deep orange hue. It was originally coloured with carrot or beetroot juice. It used to be called Leicestershire Cheese but came to be called Red Leicester. This was to distinguish it from "White Leicester," which was made to a national wartime recipe in the 1940s due to rationing.

Red Leicester recipe card below.

Artisan Cheese Kit - The perfect kit for Red Leicester!

The ultimate kit for cheese lovers and curd nerds! The Artisan Cheese Kit has everything you need to create 19 delicious fresh and aged hard cheeses at home. Just add milk! No artificial flavours and preservative free.

$225.00 inc GST

Buy now

Don't forget to use the coupon code annatto to get 10% off this kit!

Artisan Cheese Kit
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